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Application to Trinity Health Ann Arbor OB/GYN Residency Program may be made through the Residency CAS. Our application criteria is as follows:

  • Applications are only accepted through Residency CAS
  • You must have graduated from medical school within two years of applying OR be currently active in a clinical role within the United States.
  • International Medical School Graduates must have applied for ECFMG certification prior to application.
  • USMLE Board Scores of 200 or greater preferred / Comlex Scores of 500 or greater.
  • We require three letters of recommendation.

For more information on the Residency CAS application process, please visit their website at https://residencycas.prelaunch.liaisoncas.com.

Please note the following CAS numbers when selecting our program:

OB/GYN NRMP Program Code 1292220C0

Program ACGME number is 2202531131

For further information regarding the application process or the OB/GYN program, please contact:

Casey Esch 
Residency Program Administrator 
Trinity Health Ann Arbor Hospital 
Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology 
Reichert Health Center 
5333 McAuley Drive, Suite 2108 
Ypsilanti, MI 48197 
734-712-5171 - Phone 
734-712-4151 - Fax 

*Please note, this recruitment season we will again be following the guidelines set forth by CREOG and APGO. For more information please visit the ACOG website here: https://www.acog.org/education-and-events/creog/transition-to-residency
Our interview invitations will be released on October 19th per these guidelines. Thank you!*