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Prescribing Opioids & Controlled Substances in Michigan

New Michigan laws take effect in 2018 changing the prescribing practices of controlled substances by physicians and licensed prescribers. These bills address the state's growing opioid misuse and overdose problem. The intent is to improve education about opioid abuses, increase monitoring of a patient's drug history, and establish follow-up care as part of an existing prescriber-patient relationship before a prescription can be issued.

Working in conjunction with Trinity Health's Opioid Utilization Reduction (OUR) collaborative of physicians, clinicians and administrative leaders, a packet of information to summarize the new laws for physicians.

Information for Opioid Prescribers

These are living documents that may be updated as the new laws take effect. Check this site to keep pace with changing laws and policies.

Patient Education Materials

Opioids Start Talking Forms for St. Joe's Ann Arbor, Livingston, Chelsea, Brighton, Canton

ADVOCACY ALERT: As we address solutions to the complex opioids epidemic, we're asking Congress to develop a comprehensive, bipartisan approach that leaves no one behind. Your voice matters. Please write or call your legislator today. 

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